Why Urban Blueprint?

When you’re looking to renovate or build a home, there are countless companies you can go with to get the job done. Some are large and come with reputations that precede them for good reason, others are lesser-known, small-shop operations that do excellent work… and unfortunately, there are always those that you ought to avoid at all cost. With that said, we are not here to bash the competition or dissuade you from going with any company in particular. At the end of the day, whether you’re building from scratch or renovating an existing space, the design and build process will often go on for several months, at the very least. For that reason, it’s always incredibly important to do your research and find a properly qualified company that you not only trust but feel comfortable spending a good amount of time with. Here are some of the reasons our clients have chosen to work with us…
A Unique Perspective & Full- Service Approach

Some of the biggest complaints we hear in the business pertain to disappointing results and unexpected costs. For us quality and transparency are paramount! At UB, we work on a fixed management fee so that up front, our clients know the costs involved. These costs do not change unless the scope of the work changes, in which case we issue a change order, which the client is made well aware of. In addition to costs, we are completely transparent about timelines and, if those timelines should change. To keep things organized, we create a project schedule and work-back schedules that outline all the nitty-gritty details such as when trades need to be booked and when materials and fixtures need to be ordered. This guarantees that everything is completed properly and in a timely manner, in the correct order, and gives our clients realistic expectations. All these factors allow us to ensure the best quality and end result for our clients.
Fully Qualified with a Proven Track Record
Urban Blueprint has been in business for eight years now but our team is comprised of individuals with countless decades of experience! We are formally educated but also constantly work to further educate ourselves, modernize and take advantage of new innovations to improve efficiency.
One of the most relevant qualifications UB has is that we are registered with Tarion. In simple terms, Tarion is a not-for-profit consumer protection organization that is established by the Ontario government to protect the rights of consumers and regulate new home builders. In addition to this, we are also fully licensed, insured, and registered with HCRA. Our team boasts project management certificates, interior design degrees, MBAs and we are also registered with the Ministry of Housing.
Instead of working with “Jack of all Trades,” over the years, we have curated a select roster of skilled trades and specialized vendors so that we can put together the right team for each individual project. Each of these trades and vendors has extensive portfolios comprised of a vast variety of completed work in several different styles, many of which are UB projects.
In addition to this, we’ve also been the recipient of several awards and recognitions such as; Contractor of the Year (’18), the report on Canada’s Top Growing Companies (which UB was on in both ’17,’18 & ’22), Home Builder of The Year, House & Home Interior Designer of the Year, along with others.
A Unique Perspective & Full- Service Approach
One of the most unique aspects of working with UB is that along with our design and build services, you also gain access to those of our sister companies. Our affiliation with The Penzo Team, gives us a unique edge by allowing us to help clients take an educated approach when putting in offers for tear-downs or homes that require renovations. Conversely, if you wish to sell your beautifully finished home down the road, our team can help you get the most out of your investment. For furniture and all those little decorative touches that make a house a home, we have our other sister company, Homekin, which provides online interior design services. Together, the three companies make it possible to move, redecorate and build or renovate seamlessly.
To learn more about our company and process, check out our recent posts on; How to Hire a Design & Build Firm and Mistakes to Avoid When you Build or Renovate.